Teacup Pansies and Polka Dot... Братчики в горнятку. І повторний розіграш цукерки

I made this card last week, but had no occasion to share it being very sick all week. I feel a bit better today, so I'll finally post it... I was making it with fever already, and for that reason I guess I totally forgot to make it easel card for Robyn's Fetish Challenge.
Цю листівку я зробила ще минулого тижня, але не мала як показати, оскільки мала дуже сильну гарячку кілька днів і щойно нині почала потрошки виздоровлювати. Мабуть, саме через хворобу я й забула, що мала зробити листівку-мольберт для завдання на Robyn's Fetish Challenge, а зробила звичайну. )))
I've used stamp Tea Cup Pansies from sponsor Fred, she said and coloured it with copiсs. I've also used  Tilda papers. I distressed all the edges with Milled Lavender Distress Ink. Sentiment is from the small set I bought once in Michaels.
Штамп на листівці Tea Cup Pansies люб'язно надав спонсор Fred, she said. Я розмалювала штамп маркерами копік. Папір, вочевидь, від Тільда. Краї я затонувала лавандовим дістресом від Тіма. Метелики з нового дірокола, який я чомусь завжди собі шкодувала купити.
 І трошки сумних новин. Не зголосилася Ирина Д. на виграну цукерочку.Отже, довелося мені в рендома запитатися, кому ж дістанеться штампик Rose. Ну, ж не бути йому саменькому... 

Отже, рендом цього разу обрав...
№2 Maria (Маруся) !! Вітаю, Марусю!
Thank you for stopping by and taking your time to comment!
Дякую, що заходите й коментуєте, бо я дуже-дуже люблю читати ваші коментарі!

With this card I am entering next challenges:
Basic Grey #65: Mothers Day/Girly
My Mums' Craft Challenge #49: Lets Get Digital
Paper Creations Ink #21: Things with Wings (butterflies)
Sparkles Forum Challenges #30: Mothers Day or Spring (Mothers Day)
The Poodles Parlour: Anything Goes
Top Tip Tuesday: Mothers Day


  1. Лиличка, открытка такая няшечка, обожаю горошек, мне она так нравится. Она чудесная.
    Я тебя очень прошу - береги себя, тебе нельзя болеть. Удачи тебе.

  2. Листівочка фантастично ніжна та чудова!!! Такі гарні поєднання, а братчики розмальовані просто супер!!! Ти вже сама можеш давати уроки майстерності;)
    Дуже сподіваюсь, що хвороба таки відступає, бо я за тобою сумувала(((

  3. Такая приятная открыточка, люблю в сиреневых тонах такие вещи и очень обращаю внимание на горохи, нравится)
    Выздоравливай, вам болеть нельзя!

  4. What a lovely card this is! Thank you for sharing at One Stitch at a Time and good luck with the challenge. Judy DT x

  5. дуже і дуже гарно ))

  6. приємна дуже листівочка!
    і, то основне, виздоровлюй!

  7. Чудова листівка!) І колір такий приємний)

  8. Beautiful work and image. Thanks for joining us at Poodles Parlour and sharing your work with us. Good Luck, Cheers Sue N x

  9. pretty card beautifully coloured too! Thanks for joining in with us at Top Tip Tuesday Challenge this time, Hope you can come play again soon, hugs Samantha :0)

  10. Ура! Вітаю Марусю з виграшем такої солоденької цукерочки!!!

  11. Lovely card, love your design and the polka dots are yummy! Thanks so much for playing with us at Paper Creations Ink & OSAAT.

    hugs, Marjo

  12. Hi,
    This is Absolutely Gorgeous!!! Love the gorgeous image, the dps, the colour scheme is just perfect. Love the layout and the embellishments. Coloured perfectly. Thanks for joining us at Sparkles Monthly Challenges and Poodles Parlour and Good Luck. Hope to see you joining us again.
    Hugs Jacqui xxx

  13. B E A Utiful! Thanks for playing with us at One Stitch At A Time during our girly challenge! Best of luck in the drawing!
    Karen C (OSAAT DT)

  14. Such a really beautiful way to inspire us and share your talents too! The colors are gorgeous and make for a fantastic mothers day celebration. Thanks for joining us at Top Tip Tuesday and please come back this Tuesday for another chance to join us!
    Tammy Louise

  15. Gorgeous card :o) Thank you for joining us at OSAAT this week and good luck. Hugs
    Nikki DT

  16. Gorgeous card!

    thank you for joining in the fun with us at SMC for our " Mothers day/Spring " challenge

    Hope you will join us again soon
    Good luck in the draw

    Hugs Shaz x

  17. Super card!! Thanks for joining us at Bearlmine this week hope to see you next week too

  18. Lilia, Your card is gorgeous!!!! I love it! The coloring of your cup is so beautiful! Love the dot papers you put with it. Absolutely beautiful! Edwina Brown
    PS. Thinking of you.

  19. beautiful card love the floral image and the soft lilacs thanks for joining us at MMCS hugs Jill xx

  20. Love, love, love the polka dot paper with the butterflies hiding in it. The color is so soft and your composition is just wonderful. Thank you for joining us at Paper Creations Ink - Pat

  21. Lilia, your card is so gorgeous - fab colours and papers! Unfortunately, it can't be entered into our draw at Basic Grey Challenges,as you have to use a Basic Grey product to be eligible!! Hope you will join us another time and just let us know what your Basic Grey item is! Juliexx

  22. Thank You For Joining Paper Creations Ink; We Always Enjoy Seeing Your Creative Talents! We hope that you have a wonderful week!


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Thank you for your comments!! I love reading them!