The Cutting Cafe. Welcome little one!... Для новонародженої манюні

I have exciting news to share today. I was invited to become a part of The Cutting Cafe Design Team.
Sooo excited! I love making shaped cards, so now I'll have a lot more opportunities to make those.
Після доволі складних двох місяців у моєму житті (їх можна коротко назвати "біда одна не ходить"), маю чудову блогоновину: мене взяли дизайнером у магазин цифрових шаблонів і штампів - The Cutting Cafe. Я натрапила на цей магазин якийсь час тому й одразу купила в них кілька шаблонів для листівок. І спробувала щастя, подавшись до них у ДК. Якою ж була моя радість, коли мене запросили в команду!! Тепер будете бачити листівки різних форм у мене на блозі набагато частіше.
For my first DT card I have used Overalls Shaped Card Template. This one is really fun, as you can use it not only for girly projects, but also for boys. 
I have made overalls shaped card earlier, you can see it here. This time I wanted to use it in a different way, so here's what I came up with.
Ось моя перша листівка як дизайнера. Для неї я взяла вже випробуваний (і улюблений) шаблон комбінезончика Overalls Shaped Card. Цей шаблон універсальний, оскільки його можна використати на проєкти як для хлопчиків, так і для дівчаток. Попереднього разу я робила цілу листівку у формі штанців (можете глянути тут), а цього вирішила піти трошки іншим шляхом. Ось, що в мене вийшло.
I used my favourite papers from Tilda and flowers from I am roses.
Використала улюблений тільдо-папір для листівки й квіточки від I am roses. 
The inside is pretty simple with few sentiments...
Серединку теж прикрасила трошки. І саме всередині дала кілька написів.
This OVERALLS SHAPED CARD is approx. 5 by 3 comes with a matching envelope, 2 inserts for the inside of the overalls....(birthday boy and party time)..  The set also comes with several other items to embellish the 
The file comes in the following formats: SVG, PDF AND WPC.  
Thank you for your lovely comments!
Дуже дякую, що не забуваєте й заходите до мене в блог!!

I am entering these challenges:
Сrafty Sentiments - Spots or Stripes
A and T - Anything Goes
Simon Says - Anything Goes
Joanna Sheen - Flower Power
Whoopsi Daisy - Pile on the Flowers
Poodles Parlour - Anything Goes


  1. AWE............ THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOO SWEET, i love the colors you used...just plain oh adorable...hugs

    1. Thank you, Regina! I'm glad you like it!

  2. Вау!! Как красиво!! Очень нравится. Такая нежная, красивая, супер!! Лиля, она - чудо!!

  3. This is so pretty, lovely pastel colours and papers.
    Thank you for joining us at Whoopsi Daisy this week, don't forget if you use a Whoopsi Daisy image you could win more.

  4. Beaautiful card and lovely layout. Thanks for joining us at Whoopsi Daisy. Hazel x

  5. This is so adorable!


    **I am having a couple of give-aways on my blog. Feel free to stop by if you are interested.**

  6. wow ,i love this card .its so pretty and a fab idea.great papers too
    thanks for joining us at the poodle parlour and good luck
    tracey x

  7. How cute, and what pretty paper. Thanks for joining us at A & T Emerald Faeries, good luck and hope to see you again.

  8. Adorable. I love the cuffs on the overalls!

  9. Lovely card. Your color choose is cute.


  10. Too cute. My favorite colors and it is so sweet with those overalls. It reminds me of some my daughter used to wear!

  11. love your card, adorable!!!

  12. Love this card! Those overalls are just too cute and I love the colors you used.

  13. Cute card!! The overalls are adorable!! Looking forward to seeing more of your creations!! Blessings!

  14. SO PRECIOUS!!! Love the colors you picked and I LOVE those overalls!!!

    Crafty Hugs,

  15. Beautiful baby card, the papers are gorgeous. Love the dungarees and how they coordinate with the gingham paper. Thanks for joining us at POODLES PARLOUR 'Anything Goes' Challenge. Good luck and hope to see you next time. Diane x

  16. Your card is adorable. You have used such pretty colours and paper.
    Congratulations on joining the design team of The Cutting Cafe

  17. This is just too cute! I want the sewing pattern for those overalls!

  18. So cute, love those overalls! Thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments this week :)

  19. Oh how sweet! Thanks for playing with us at Whoopsi Daisy! Best of luck in the draw!
    Karen C (Daisy Diva)

  20. This is just adorable, love the die cut and great flower clusters! Thanks so much for playing at WHOOPSI DAISY and THE POODLES PARLOUR this time:)

  21. cute is this, love the wee overalls and lovely papers....fabulous card.

    Thanks for joining in with us at Crafty Sentiments Designs..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  22. What a super cute card. Thanks for joining us over at 'The Poodles Parlour'. Good luck.

    Elke XX

  23. Awww..Love the colors and placements..Cute, Cute..Krista

  24. Aww how cute, this is gorgeous, love the pretty colorus and style. Thank you for joining us at Crafty Sentiments this week and good luck xx


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Thank you for your comments!! I love reading them!